Ellen DeGeneres
I watch her show on my days off. It comes on here at 4pm on CBS. I am not on the same page with her politcally. I really dont give a rats ass that her partner is Portia. I watched her years ago when she was on VH1 comedy. She was with Paula Poundstone, Rosie back in her day etc...
I watch her show, I laugh. I am litereally smiling practically the whole show.
She ( when she isnt being the political girl ) is very funny. I really like her! I think, she is beautiful.
HAHAHAH let me share this with yall...
There is a frontline commercial that says: " here comes trouble" Well Trouble heard that and came in the kichen hahahahahahah That is funny.. That is what Ken says all the time!
I simply call her shitbag. She comes to that too!
My supper menu:
Pork chops
Applesauce.. home made!
mac and cheese
pinto beans...home made!!
All of it is about 8 points! Yummy!!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ellen DeGeneres
Posted by LeeAnn at Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
OUR first Race Martinsville, Va
Well as you can tell Ken and I have had a busy day. Let me start out from this morning. We wake up leave the house at 7am. We get into M-ville at approximately 8am. WE SAT IN TRAFFIC AT 8 am for 2 hrs!! 2 HRS no lie. Anyhoo after we got our credentials ( HOT PASSS ) we calmed down and remembered that along with our beer we also brought paitence. HOLY COW bat man we were very close. It was awesome. I have a new prespective of Nascar now. the roar of the engines, the pound in your heart as they go past you and then once they pass you are left with the smell of burnt rubber and the hottest gust of wind you have ever felt. Truly an experience of a lifetime. We were down int he pits, next to the crews, and drivers. Of course Ken and I didnt know who we were hob knobbing with because we are not (correction ) WERE not race people. Man I tell you It was awesome! There was one good picture that I wished my hair was not blowing but oh well... Enjoy.... Oh I forgot to tell you when you call me on the phone.. If Im yelling Its because I am slightly deaf. I had 2 sets of ear protection on!
Posted by LeeAnn at Sunday, March 29, 2009 3 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Martinsville Speedway
Howdy folks! This is where Im going to be spending my day tomorrow. Thats right you guessed it.. Martinsville, Va. Our friend Kelly told us that we may want to be up in Va by 8am. ( to beat the traffic ) Holy shit are you serious.? ok.. we will do. We are all packed. We have the sunscreen, the sunglasses, the chairs, earplugs and ear muffs. ( Ill take a pic of what we look like ) Anyhoo... wish me luck for my first Nascar race. I have honestly never watched a race. I have tried to get into it but I cant seen to get past the 10th lap. Im asleep, out like a light. I dont think Ill be able to do that tomorrow!
Posted by LeeAnn at Saturday, March 28, 2009 1 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
blast from the past pictures!
These pictures were on slides that were found out in the garage. Very easy to put them on a disk.. Enjoy!
Posted by LeeAnn at Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
YUMMY Spring is coming!! Look at these strawberries I picked up today. They are HUGE, SWEET, and Delicious!
Posted by LeeAnn at Monday, March 23, 2009 2 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Engagement photos
This is the actual photos from a very nice beach goer. He saw what was happening and took some shots for us!! I think they came out very nice!! Thank you for that random act of kindness!
Posted by LeeAnn at Sunday, March 22, 2009 4 comments
Crabby Bills
Enough said.
Now on another note.... Bryce the brother saw this youtube video and wanted to try it. It worked. It was a neat trick.
The crabby Bills is an inside joke. Mom would always tell Daddy he was a crab. HAHAHA plus he was born in July, they are Cancers, which are crabs! HA
Posted by LeeAnn at Sunday, March 22, 2009 1 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Awww you all wanted to see my ring huh?? HAHAHAHAHA
Okay here it is.. but before I show you I must say that we had a great time in Fla. We went to Yankee baseball spring training games. We got engaged. We also were down there with Spring break going on. Kens eyeballs were popping out of his head the entire trip. We get into the elevator to go up to our room, Im feeling like C-rap because I was sick, and what shows up.. 6 gals with size 4 bodies in bikinis... yeahh... I remember those days... The drinking, the one week long one night stands, the drama over which guy we were going to try to hook up with. sigh.... anyhoo.. I loved taking the sunset pics I have like 50 shots of the same thing but they are all different!!!! I cant explain it.. But I will say that they are beautiful. I have some below..
Posted by LeeAnn at Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8 comments
Florida trip to St Pete!!!
Well Im back form Florida.. Everyone miss me?? Well, I have so much to say! First of all Ken and I are getting hitched on June 13th. We are having a small and intimate ceremony. No frills. I have a picture of the beautiful ring that Ken gave me and a few others of our trip down south.
Posted by LeeAnn at Wednesday, March 18, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Blake my sweet boy
Look at this precious kid... Ya'll he holds a special place in my heart.
Ya'll know what he did today at school? He had a parent teacher conference today. Well this afternoon the teacher went out of the class room to talk to another teacher and she left the door open by a crack. My sweet special place in my heart Blake stood up on his desk and said to the class " Alright let's PARTY "
Yeah Blake... note to yourself hun.. make sure that teacher has closed the door all the way, and make sure she has gone far enough away from the door next time so you dont get caught. LOL******* This is what my precious has turned into... GOD PLEASE HELP HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bless his heart!
Posted by LeeAnn at Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Look Look she's learning!
Yea!!!! She is learning to love her crate... she went in all by herself.. and she is snoring.. So loud I cant hear TV
Posted by LeeAnn at Monday, March 09, 2009 6 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Spring ? Really? Ahead?
I hope you didnt forget to turn your clocks forward an hour last night. I got a text this morning bright and early at 7:30 aka 8:30 reminding me. Hmmmmm now Im up and trying to not waste the hour of yet another beautiful morning. It was 73' yesterday. Hard to believe that we had 5.5 inches of snow 6 days before. Thats NC for yah!
Well Ken and I are not "officially" engaged, but we have a wedding date. More on that subject later. Right now we are getting ready for our Tampa trip. I was hoping that I would see Derek again but I dont think that it is looking to bright. I believe he will be playing on the world team for baseball.. A-Rod will be out on hip surgery so I will have to try my mad photo skills on a new subject. Besides I think Ken will start to wonder if I came homw with another 300 pictures of Derek Jeter. Oh well...
The new dogs name is Trouble. It fits her well. She threwup all over the dang floor Thursday night and once in the bedroom. She grabs pillows from the bed and makes her own bed with them. HEY STUPID we have nice fluffy dog beds for you. Yeah she loves us, she wants to be near to us at night. Shes not throwing up anymore so that is a good thing. Ill see if I can find some pics.. off to look for those and post and then out to take some morning pictures.
Posted by LeeAnn at Sunday, March 08, 2009 2 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Trouble the dog
Look What Ken came home to today. I am so disappointed! We have a crate for her she was doing so well the other times she was left I didnt really think that we needed the crate.. YEAH... that crate will be her best friend.. Sorry TROUBLE no more.
Posted by LeeAnn at Wednesday, March 04, 2009 2 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Ok I have had enough.. I cant get out to go anywhere...
Posted by LeeAnn at Monday, March 02, 2009 1 comments
What to name the Pound Dog?
We are changing the name of the dog.. I cant get Holly out. I have been just calling her dog and she comes.. I think Dog is a perfect name for her, but Kenny poo doesnt like it.. So Im taking comments and suggestions on what to name the lazy pound dog who has hit the jack pot with us 2 fools.. Enjoy the video...And just let me say this.. Uploading a video is a pain in the royal arss!!!! I tried to do it through blogger and it took FOREVER so I cancelled it and put it on youtube..
Posted by LeeAnn at Monday, March 02, 2009 2 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Welcome March!!!
Just when they tease us with 65' weather this week.. we are planning on getting 3 to 7 inches tonite. It has done nothing but rain all day long.. not a misty rain either. Downpour more like it. Looks like tomorrow will be yet another day for me to watch TV. Happy Birthday to my favorite cousin Lorraine. She is 34 today.
Do you seriously think she is happy here..?
Posted by LeeAnn at Sunday, March 01, 2009 0 comments
Good Holly...
Our Casey girl.. She is terrified!
Chewing on her bone.. although she is on Casey's bed.
awww she really likes us..
Rain Rain go away.. please let it snow today...If it don't, I shall cry...But Ill keep praying that the dogs stay dry.
Well our second day with Holly has been productive. After the 3:30 letting out and the 7:30 letting out she has done fine. She will not eat dry dog food so slick me went to the store and got some wet food to mix with the dry food. Slick Holly ate all the wet food and spit out alot of the dry food. Casey our human/dog vacuum cleaner took care of the floor for me. She has finally laid down on one of the beds and she has quite a little hoard of toys.. her Bear, a bone, and if Casey gets near it she runs her off. It is quite entertaining. She went to the door earlier all by her self and so we let her out ( we will teach the doggie door later ) she did her business and came back in. It is SOAKING wet outside so of course the kitchen floor is a mess. Oh also I am proud to report that she drank some water earlier!! Yeah!!! She likes us she really likes us. Ill like her better when she can be a self sufficient doggie. Right now I have to get used to her, so my allergies are HAYWIRE!!!!! I dont think she has ever seen TV before poor thing.. she keeps looking at it and then just a minute ago there were some dogs barking and she shot up and went barking at the other dogs. hahahahah Too funny.
Nice cold rainy day to do nothing. Im making pinto beans to eat tonite with the pork loin I have with Carrots and Potatoes. yummy Then later in the week Ill have some pork chops and Applesauce....
Posted by LeeAnn at Sunday, March 01, 2009 0 comments