Sunday, November 15, 2009

Funny.. story... Yeah... Not really! But really?!

Alright so Ken and I go to a cocktail party last night, the first of the season Im sure. So we bring a delicious sausage dip dish that is going to be my holiday dish, and jello shots. Ken of course brings his new love.. Coors Light, Im drinking wine, and water because for some reason last night I was so thirsty so the wine in my body was quite diluted, but anyhoo we had a great time. We come home, crash out in the bed around midnight, At 5:30am in the morning, this thing starts beeping because it is low on batteries.

So it then FREAKS Casey out. TO the point where she is literally shaking the whole damn bed. I feel like we are at the Poconos in one of those vibrating beds last night.. You know the ones.. they cost .50 to start.. blah blah..

So Casey is shaking violently, running in and out of the house because of the loud beep every 30sec because the battery was low. Holly......

Holly.... She thinks it is breakfast time. She is going nuts because Casey is nuts and she starts to play and I have to go out into the garage and get this big ass ladder

to bring into the house because the damn alarm is like 12 feet up on the wall. Ken is in his wheelchairSo I have to climb the ladder and try to get this thing to stop beeping. Casey is now outside shaking because I dont think she can take it anymore. Holly is still running around barking. We finally get it working right after Ken had to go and put his legs on and do it because for some reason when I did it it wouldnt work. It would keep beeping. I guess he had the magic touch because he did the same damn thing I did and it worked. So We went back to bed.. Holly went outside, Casey came back in the house after coaxing her in, and promising that the sound was gone. She came up on the bed with ken and I. We all 3 laid there for about 15 minutes.. enough time to get back to a comfortable sleeping position and CASEY LET OUT THE MOST STINKIEST FART I HAVE EVER SMELLED... I asked Ken was it him and he said no it was the dog.. It was a post alarm going off and scaring the fart out of her I guess...


Unknown said...

OMG!!! I just about peed my pants laughing at that story girl!!!! Sorry it was such a pain! but that was too funny to read!

Anonymous said...

LOL The trials and tribulations of Casey and Holly!!!