This is not an animal.. Its one of my favorite pictures that I took. I hope that you like it too..
He was just standing there right when we got off the boat tour.
This is some type of animal Elk... Mountain Deer.. I have no idea.He? She? was just standing on the side of the road.. eating him some grass... Now.. sources tell me this one has her eggo preggo!
An Elk...
YES IT IS A GRIZZLIE Bear!! Holy cow... she was beautiful. I wish I would have had time to switch lens. It was raining I didnt want to get the camera wet and I didnt know I was going to see a bear.... Oh well.. I zoomed in a little on this one that is why it is a tad grainy.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Just some animals that we saw...
Posted by LeeAnn at Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Oh my.. so good to be home
We are on a Glacier
This field we were in was full of Daisies. I had to get a picture of this.. I have another one that Ill show later... this one is pretty though.
Bow Valley
Lake Moraine.. Our breathtaking favorite lake of all!!
The view from our room of the crowded Lake Louise.
Just us in front of a river
I will tell you about the trip later.. right now I think you are more interested in pictures.... More pictures to come..
Ill just give you a hint: We saw a crap load of wild animals.. we got kicked out of our seats on the plane going there because they said Ken was handicapped.. 2 hotels didnt have AC and of course it was the hottest week ever that they had seen..We got pulled over by the RCMP and no he was not giving us a ticket for the musical ride..Kens shower chair collapsed on him when he was in the shower and he hurt his nubbies... After I made sure that he was ok and it was 24hrs later, we laughed about it..Went horseback riding, canoeing, boat trips, gondalas galore and much much more... tune in next time.. *poof*
Posted by LeeAnn at Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Leonard House!
Ken and I enjoy it so much here... We hope that you enjoy the pictures of our home! This is our house... I am going to upload these to facebook so I can have my house on there too...
This is the view at dusk of our house.
This is my favorite time of the day when the sun is going down behind the mountains. I just love how the house looks when its getting dark.
This is where Ken and I warm ourselves. We had this stone fireplace built.
This is I think the cleanest I have had my kitchen. Usually I have the counters filled with food because, the stable help comes in from a hard day at work, I like to keep them fed.I never hear them complain about my cooking.
Ken insisted about getting a hot tub. We thought this was the perfect setting. It is a bit cold when we get out, so they are coming next week to place heaters underneath the stone so that I wont freeze to the ground when I get out. Its lower to the ground easier for Ken to get in and out when he is in the wheel chair.
This is at the side back of the house. See the stables. We keep 3 horses in there. On the other side we have tractors and such in there. Snow removal things.We keep or snow mobiles in there too.
This is where we play on our laptops and talk to you guys... Im usually in the chair next to the windows/ patio doors.. Ken is in the one right next to me.
Our game room.... We have had many people over to play on our pool table.
This is the picture I took of the upstairs with my new fish eye lens. I think it turned out nice!
Finally, this is where all our newly wed fun is had! We love this room the most. The fireplace is fantastic. Great mood setter~!
Ya'll come on for a visit any time. Ken and I are there all the time. We do vacation at our 2nd home in NC. We are here most of the time....
Posted by LeeAnn at Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Dog Beds?
Look who was a scardy cat from the storm last night......Ya'll I have never seen a storm like the one that we had last night. anyone who knows me I Love thunderstorms, but this one last night kinda freaked me out. It was constant lightening. The thunder was a slamming thunder. You know the kind that sounds like 2 pieces of sheet metal slamming together... not a rumble.... The rain was so hard coming down that we I swear had a bit of white water going down the street. Soooo much water everywhere.... FINALLY we get a good rain at least.
The 2 doggies were scared so they BOTH jumped up onto the bed...poor thing..... bless their hearts....
Posted by LeeAnn at Monday, July 13, 2009 3 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Grass hopper game.
We had a good time last night at the GrassHopper game.
Went to the Doctor this morning... I have had a sore throat all week and I want to get it all gone gone by Sunday because we leave for Canada this week. She told me that it was drainage and nothing like Streph throat. MAN....... I paid an ungodly amount of money for her to tell me to go get some Mucinex. Enjoy the pictures....
Posted by LeeAnn at Sunday, July 12, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Blake Day!!!!!!!!!!
Im so excited. We leave for Canada in little less then 2 weeks. I went shopping yesterday and got some pants. Now if I can just get some shoes, some tops, and since I hear the high up in Jasper is about 50 Ill need to dig out my coats that are somewhere in a box. Anyhoo..... If I had known that in July for my honeymoon I was going to drive all over Canada with my heat on I would have opted to go there in the winter so that I could ski! This is what I got pants wise...
Just some pictures from my day today with Blake. We went to a friends backyard pool.
Poor Holly. She wants to go for a ride so bad.
Posted by LeeAnn at Tuesday, July 07, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fun 4th
Thank goodness that today it is raining. We have needed it for about 2 weeks now. We had a great day yesterday. It was the first time I really remember it not raining. Usually we have hot hot day and then right at about 8:00 it starts to thunderstorm. Then the fireworks get pushed back or they cant do them for all the clouds in the sky. Not this year. It was perfect! Perfect weather all day and into the evening!
Posted by LeeAnn at Sunday, July 05, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth of July!
The wind was not cooperatingJust some yummy treats that we picked up today at the farmers market. The corn is not shown!
This is a picture of the dogs... in the car and wouldnt come out! They made us so mad. Finally we lured them out with the hopes of getting fed.
Posted by LeeAnn at Saturday, July 04, 2009 0 comments